Car rental
delivered to your home

We deliver and pick up your rental vehicle at the address of your choice.


How does it work?

I book online

Book a vehicle according to your desires or needs in 5 minutes.

I get delivered

Your vehicle is delivered by a Carsitter® at the time and address of your choice.

I return home

Upon return, a Carsitter® meets you at the indicated address to pick up the vehicle.

How does it work?


Save time

No more counters and hours of waiting. 7 days a week from 8am to 11pm, our team of Carsitters® delivers your vehicle, at the time and address of your choice.


Drive safely

Travel with peace of mind, all our vehicles are disinfected before being delivered to you. Our customer service is available 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm, even on holidays.


Change your mind easily

At any time, you can change the time, delivery or return address of the vehicle directly in your account.